Important Examination Rules
- Mid Term / Half Yearly / Evaluation / Quarterly / Final / Pre-Board Examinations will not be rescheduled whatsoever reason(s) may be.
- If a student has not appeared in an Exam/Test (Other than mentioned in point no. 1) without a genuine reason and has not forwarded his/her leave application in advance then his/her Exam/Test against absence will not be rescheduled.
- If the child could not appear owing to represent school in inter School Sports and/or Co-Scholastic Competitions with prior written permission of the Principal then he/she would be allowed to give that Test/Examination on some alternative date(s) before the start of MidTerm/Half Yearly and Final Examinations.
- A Student will not be allowed to appear in the Final Examination if he/she has not put in a minimum of 75% of the total attendance of the academic session, including attendance in previous school if the student has been admitted on transfer.
- For the students of classes IV-VII, the average marks will be awarded against their absence in Class-Tests and Pre-Mid/Post-Mid on the basis of their performance in Mid-Term/Final Examinations provided the reason of absence is submitted to the office of the Principal on/before the date of Test/Examination and is satisfying to the school authorities
- For the students of classes VIII & IX, minimum pass marks will be awarded against their absence in Class-Tests and Pre-Mid/Post-Mid Exam provided they pass in Mid-Term/Final Examinations each and the reason of absence is submitted to the office of the Principal on/before the date of Test/Examination and is satisfying to the school authorities
- If a student of class XI remains absent in any Unit-Test then minimum pass marks will be awarded against his/her absence in Unit-Test provided he/she passes in Quarterly/Final Examination each and the reason of absence is submitted to the office of the Principal on/before the date of Test / Examination and is satisfying to the school authorities.
- Absence in one / many Tests / Examination(s) in one / many subject(s) because of any reason other than health issues excludes the pupil from receiving academic prize.
- Breach of any of the regulations during the conduct of examinations is punishable by expulsion from the examination room and/or cancelling of the paper. Zero will be awarded in such a case.
- The result of the examination is final and cannot be reconsidered.
- Answer books of Final Examination will be shown to the parent only after written request is received within 2 days of declaration of result.
- The decision of the Principal in rest all cases will be in favour of students and shall remain binding on all concerned.